About Us
Amos Lake Association (ALA) is an advocate for current and future generations. Our goal is to assist landowners and all other interested citizens in an educational role to maintain, protect and enhance the water quality of Amos Lake, its surroundings, and waterways. ALA’s goal is to maintain this public resource as accessible for diverse recreational uses by current and future generations, as well as to initiate, implement, and present to governing authorities those recommendations which will endeavor to protect and preserve Amos Lake, its surroundings, and waterways.
We share tips on how you can save your favorite lake and protect its ecology, health and enjoyment into the future.
We hope you will be able to attend our ALA meeting and become a member of the Amos Lake Association. If you are unable to make the commitment to ALA we hope you will become a donor of our Association so we may continue projects such as water sampling, landowner education, boating safety, and watershed management. Come learn how you can get involved in protecting our waterways. Our meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Please email Amoslake@gmail for location or zoom link.
Our Mission Statement
To assist Preston landowners and all other interested citizens in an educational role to maintain, protect and enhance the water quality of the Amos Lake watershed, its surroundings, and waterways. To maintain this public resource as accessible for diverse recreational uses by current and future generations. To initiate, implement and present to governing authorities those recommendations which will endeavor to protect and preserve the Amos Lake watershed, its surroundings, and waterways.
To assist Preston landowners and all other interested citizens in an educational role to maintain, protect and enhance the water quality of the Amos Lake watershed, its surroundings, and waterways. To maintain this public resource as accessible for diverse recreational uses by current and future generations. To initiate, implement and present to governing authorities those recommendations which will endeavor to protect and preserve the Amos Lake watershed, its surroundings, and waterways.

•In 2009 -2010 Amos Lake Association partnered with Connecticut Federation of Lakes and Eastern Connecticut Conservation District to create the Amos Lake Public Awareness Project. This project provided an opportunity for citizens to play a role in the management of their watershed.
•2011 Amos Lake Association acquired it’s 501 (c) (3) status.
•2012 – 2015 partnered with Eastern Connecticut Conservation District developing a Watershed Management Plan under the funding of the EPA 319 Clean Water Act. This Watershed Plan was instrument in developing Section 13 Special Resource Protection Overlay District of the proposed Preston Zoning Regulations. Click here for the report.
•2013- 2014 We provided a development plan for United States Coast Guard Academy Civil Engineering Faculty capstone project. In this project the students analyzed the pollution sources, explored, identified and proposed viable Low Impact Development Ideas for pollution mitigation
•2014 – 2015 worked with the Town of Preston Planner to develop a Schedule Planner for 2014 – 2024 setting and addressing goals of the towns’ plan of development. Participated in the Last Green Valley water quality monitoring program.
•2015 - 2016 Assisted the Town of Preston in application and implementation of CT DEEP AIS grant for the Control of Variable Water Milfoil in Amos Lake. Our volunteers have trained under the Last Green Valley Water Quality Monitoring Program and the CT DEEP Invasive Investigator program.
•2016-2017 The Preston Community Fund provided funding to enable us provide welcome packets to Preston residents. This grant also provided funds to purchase equipment for the association’s ongoing water quality monitoring program and assisted in a free soil testing day.
•2017 -2018 A Preston Community Fund provided funding to provide residents with information about the importance of groundwater, protecting and maintaining well water, and recording septic maintenance. We were able to enclose this record keeping folder into the Pipeline and have it delivered to every household in Preston. Participated in the Last Green Valley water quality monitoring program.
•2018 We partnered with Eastern Connecticut Conservation District to provide a free rain barrel workshop for Preston residents. Hired CAES to perform an aquatic plant survey of Amos lake. The study found and increase of invasive milfoil and species richness decreased from 29 in 2013 to 22 species. Participated in the Last Green Valley water quality monitoring program.
•2019 We updated and digitalize our new neighbor welcome packet. Participated in the Last Green Valley water quality monitoring program. Funding for lab analysis was provided by The Preston Community Fund fall, Began consulting limnologist to develop a lake management plan. Participated in CAES bottom barrier workshop.
2020 - $800 - The Preston Community Fund provided funding for four 10 x 20 bottom blankets. Expanded our successful chemical free control of the variable leaf milfoil program
The Amos Lake watershed is located in eastern Connecticut, in the town of Preston. The watershed is 1.5 square miles (960 acres) and is part of the Thames Main Stem regional watershed (CT3000).
Amos Lake is an important resource to the people of the State of Connecticut. The lake is managed as both a Bass Management and Trophy Trout Lake.
Amos Lake has been popular for recreational activities for decades. These recreation activities include sailing, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, boating, and ice fishing. Wildlife in the watershed include white-tailed deer, North American river otter, muskrat, red fox, raccoon, and opossum. Waterfowl observed by lake residents over the years has included American Coot, Canada Geese, Double Crested Cormorant, Hooded Merganser, Mallard, Mute Swan, Bald Eagles, Golden Eagles, falcons and Osprey. In the summer months, Great Blue and Little Blue Heron are commonly seen wading in the shallows for food. See the link on our wildlife page for a complete listing or birds.
Check out our digital Welcome Packet at the following link. http://online.fliphtml5.com/udcrw/poex/