Membership Page
Your Amos Lake Association membership is needed to provide stewardship for the lake; monitor water quality and invasive species; protect fish habitat; identify areas of possible pollutants and monitor non-native water plants that would take over sections of the lake if left unchecked. Your friends and neighbors volunteer their time and effort to work on ALA Board and committees accomplishing these things and more. Ensuring your Amos Lake experience continues to be enjoyable, but they can’t do it without your membership in the ALA. Your $25 individual/ business (one vote) or $40 family (two vote) membership, now payable online, makes a difference.
ALA is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. You may be able to deduct your membership and donations from your taxes. Please consult your tax advisor as ALA does not give formal tax advice.
• Voting privileges for active members for election of the Board of Directors and on matters that come before the membership.
• Participate with the ALA in its endeavor to bring and maintain Amos Lake to a pristine condition
• Protecting Preston property values
Membership is open to anyone interested in protecting, preserving and continually improving Amos Lake for current and future generations. Much of our good work transforms to Cooks Pond, Avery Pond, Hallville Pond and Poquetanuck Cove and connecting waterbodies.
Want to volunteer? For opportunities click here.
We encourage you to join today!
You can click the donate button below (there will be a small convivence fee) or print the completed form and mail with your check to the address below:
Amos Lake Association, Inc.
36 Lake View Dr
Preston CT 06365
Please return to:
Amos Lake Association
36 Lakeview Dr
Preston CT 06365
Name ______________________________ 2nd Name___________________________
Address_____________________________ City_____________________State_______
Zip ___________Phone # _______________ Email ______________________________
Annual Membership
Individual $25 (one vote) Family $40 (two votes)
Business or Organization $25 (one vote)
Donations to further support environmental and educational programs. $___________
Our meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Membership Year June 1 – May 30th
Please return to:
Amos Lake Association
36 Lakeview Dr
Preston CT 06365
Name ______________________________ 2nd Name___________________________
Address_____________________________ City_____________________State_______
Zip ___________Phone # _______________ Email ______________________________
Annual Membership
Individual $25 (one vote) Family $40 (two votes)
Business or Organization $25 (one vote)
Donations to further support environmental and educational programs. $___________
Our meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Membership Year June 1 – May 30th